The Sugar Pills All-Girl Ukulele Band has arrived!
The Sugar Pills
[img src=]8495
"Suga"[img src=]5701
"Bon Bon"[img src=]4641
"Gumdrop"[img src=]3972
"Liz Lollipop"[img src=]3511
"Praline"[img src=]3211
"Red Hot"[img src=]2881
"Suga"[img src=]5701
"Bon Bon"[img src=]4641
"Gumdrop"[img src=]3972
"Liz Lollipop"[img src=]3511
"Praline"[img src=]3211
"Red Hot"[img src=]2881

The Sugar Pills All-Girl Ukulele Band
Upcoming Performances
October 26 & 27
The Women’s Expo, Cincinnati, OH, more info here. Sharonville Convention Center. When she’s not performing you’ll be able to catch Barbara in her booth where she’ll delight you with tales form her new book. Come share your own story or tip and maybe you’ll be a part of Sugar Pills: Non-Medical Ways to Feel Your Best Volume 2!
Some Recent Performances:
Look for performances at Blinker’s Tavern in Covington, KY.
August 2013, Cincinnati Museum Center celebrates Union Terminal’s history with 1940s Day. Here’s the whole line up of activities and performances.